Webinars, Courses and Face-to-Face Educational Events
A World Class Educational Environment Created by an Internationally Acclaimed Presenter and Athlete.

Short in time but full of content, these are excellent for those who don't have a lot of time to spend in front of the screen but want to learn tried and true tips from Ranell as quickly as possible.
- "Wow - learning so much and really enjoying it too" - Kirsten, Netball coach.
Currently Available :
- Speed Mechanics to Maximize Player Performance
- Netball Speed and Agility Coaching
- Athletic Nutrition
- NEW !!! Conditioning for Field Sports Athletes (and anyone wanting to get fitter/faster)
Online Courses

Full courses with content that will last a lifetime, these are brilliantly authored to completely cover everything you could ever want to know about the topic. Certified and accredited by governing bodies worldwide, you will love Ranell's delivery and passion for sharing her knowledge with you.
- "Outstanding course delivered by a true speed expert" - Coach Mo, Hong Kong.
Currently Available :
• Coaching Explosive Speed Online Course
Face to Face or Online Events

All of Ranell's webinars and courses are available for you to experience in the surroundings of your club's facility , school gymnasium or local training centre. She is often travelling worldwide to deliver the theory and practical components and the content can be tailored to individual sports needs. There is no experience like a face-to-face Ranell educational event on the planet.
NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE - Get your coaches and team together for an hour with Ranell that everyone will really enjoy !
- "Thank you so much for that. LOVED IT !!!" - Mackenzie Rugby 7's player.

Ranell Hobson is the current ASCA Performance Development Coach of the Year for her work in developing youth sports players and has consulted and presented to Netball Clubs and Organisations all over the world. She is the current GWS Fury Athletic Development Coach, helping the U23s team to the Netball NSW Premier League Championship in 2019 with a 15-1 record. She has also consulted to NRL, AFL, A-League and Super15 Rugby teams as well as presenting workshops and courses all over the world, most notably at youth academies of EPL clubs Arsenal, Southampton, Leicester and Brighton. She started working with Baseball NSW HP unit last year and currently they have more sub 7 second 60 yard test results than at any time in their history. She has a Masters in SportsCoaching, Bachelor Sport Science and coaching, and is ASCA L2 PS and NSCA CSCS accredited. With over 30 years practical experience she is considered an expert in speed and movement coach education and a true master of her craft with an international reputation for excellence.
Our Skills & Expertise
Having been an athlete, coach and coach educator for over 25 years gives me the unique perspective of having applied my knowledge both on a personal and professional level. Through my courses and webinars I can pass on to you not just book smarts but more importantly what actually works in the real world of athletic development. Through my study and my real-world experience I have developed a strong expertise in all things running and speed development, programming to create strong physiological adaptations and build robust, technically proficient athletes. Let me help you cut through the nonsense and start maximising your athletes performance.
It is always a great honour (and so much fun) to present at conferences both here and overseas. I truly believe we all learn from each other and every event is one of sharing stories and developing strategies to make ourselves as coaches and trainers, and our athletes better.
A little better every day....
I am in a service industry and I am here to serve my clients, build your physical fitness competencies and your emotional confidence. Being recognized by my peers as an expert in my field ensures that, when you are attending one of my webinars or courses or in a face-to-face coaching session, you will always have the most up-to-date researched information and cutting edge techniques that I use myself in my own race preparation.
Ranell has worked in all parts of the world at organisations of all major sports - Football, Rugby, Netball, Baseball and Athletics.
A specialist in coach education delivering workshops and full day courses
Ranell is also a WR holding Masters track sprinter and regular Wold Championship medallist in the 60m sprint event.
Ranell is also the 2019/20 ASCA Peformance Development Coach of the Year for her work with developing youth athleticism.
Ranell travels the world presenting at conferences and conventions and is recognised as a true expert in the field of speed.
A Masters degree in Sport Coaching and Bachelor in Sport Science and Coaching, NSCA (CSCS), ASCA, ATFCA accredited.
NSCA (CSCS), ASCA, ATFCA accredited.
Ranell’s courses are accredited by the highest associations in the world: ACSA, ESSA, NSCA, ACE, NASM, AFAA. and are sold out worldwide