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Welcome to the online speed and athletic development program specifically written by Ranell for use by the coaches within the Hastings Valley Netball Association Pre-season Program 2021-22. We are so thrilled to be able to create this for you and want it to be a massive help to you in your coaching this year as well as having the players thoroughly enjoying themselves as they work through the system.
There are 8 programs in total (24 weeks of sessions), each with an associated video 'topic'. Each drill has its own video so that they can be performed as per Ranell's requirements to get the most benefit from each session.
The programs are repeated 3x and labelled as such ie Weeks 1-3, 5-7 etc. A new program will be uploaded to this webpage after 2 weeks of the previous one has commenced (ie at the end of weeks 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17 and 20) so giving time to learn it and get whatever assistance is necessary from Ranell prior to its commencement with the squad.
You will see the stretching and mobility work as its own link as these are a part of the entire program and the only constant for each week's session
We have also included an intensive stretching program at the end as an additive for the players to be done in their own time as they deem fit. Ranell would highly recommend this as it will greatly help their performances into the future.
As always, any queries, questions, feedback or whatever you need to be as successful as possible in implementing this program please contact (for coaching issues) [email protected] or (for access or computer issues) [email protected]
Speed / COD Session Programs
Warm Up Programs

Conditioning Programs

Core Programs