GWS FURY 2024 Online APP based Training Program

Welcome to the GWS Fury Season 2024 Netball sign-up page for access to Ranell's App Performance Program (RAPP) .
Simply fill out the form below and then you will be automatically subscribed into the app, awaiting attachment to a program group.
Ranell will be assessing you next week and will put you into the most appropriate set of programs to ensure that you gain maximum benefit from them. Until then you will of course have no programs showing until she has seen you in person.
Once this is finalised and you have logged in, simply head to the bottom of the 'My Dashboard' screen and you fill find your programs waiting for you via the 'programs' tab with the little dumb-bell icon. Press that and then select your desired session and get started.
A helpful information sheet / quick startup guide can be found by clicking the button below and you can also visit the RAPP Netball webpage via the main menu on this site for more general information, hints and tips to help you get started and using the programs asap.
By using these programs you will be physically strong, fast and resilient on the court right up until the end of the game, and we couldn't be more excited for you !!!
Any questions please don't hesitate to contact us. We are here for you a thousand percent.
Ranell and Kip.
Any issues please email [email protected]