Repeat Sprintability 12 week Program - $AUD99

Training players to have the physical competency required to maintain high intensity sprints with brief recoveries is integral to any field sport program. This competency is known as a players Repeat Sprint Ability.
The ASSA Repeat Sprint Ability program is 12 weeks in duration with progressions on physical capacity every week. You could quite easily extend this program out to last the entire season by running each weekly program for 3 weeks.
It includes a full dynamic warm up including links to 12 videos demonstrating the execution of each exercise.
As well as improving the ability of your players to sprint at a high intensity for the duration of the game, research has demonstrated that this form of training assists in delaying the onset of fatigue and assists hamstring robustness to decrease risk of hamstrings strains in game situations.
High Intensity sprint interval training should be conducted after a full dynamic warm up that prepares the athlete to sprint at 100% effort.
Click the button below to purchase. Once this is done the program is yours for life !
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